What does the political unrest in the Mid-East mean to you?
Discussion question for February 25, 2011.
Political upheaval in Tunisia was followed quickly by protests in Egypt, Jordan, Algeria and Libya. What impact does this have on you? How should we respond as Christians though we are half a world away? What prayer strategy do we employ? How can we be a shining light in a mixed up world?
Here’s my summary of our discussion.
It is important to recognize that the impressions we get of the situation in the Mid-East and Africa are fed to us by the news media. Biased reporting and prejudice taints the information before it comes to us, and then we are susceptible to our own faulty conclusions.
Based on what we know to be happening in those countries, it is important that we develop the same emotional response that God has rather than the emotional response of the reporters, pundits or extremists. God cares deeply about the people and hates sin and death. We are called to agree with God in how we feel.
The current events serve to bring to our mind the conditions these people live in now and we get a glimpse of how they have lived for many years. The oppression and control of the masses by the few has been going on throughout history. The corruption of government was described by God to the Israelites when they demanded a king. It is the way of the world, and it is valuable for us to be reminded. First, it gives us an appreciation for the freedoms and rights we have here. Secondly, it gives us a better understanding of the conditions experienced by our fellow man. And finally, it helps us understand Scripture better since most of it was written in times of similar political upheaval.
Psalm 119:53 expresses the indignation felt by the psalmist at the evil around him. As we understand God and His ways better it gives us a position from which to feel indignant on His behalf. The mercy and compassion of God extends even to despots and extremists, and our prayer is that they recognize His true character.
The news portrayal of the events attempts to capture the hopelessness of the population, the desperation of those in control, the craft and avarice of those attempting to take advantage of the chaos. What they fail to depict is the human interest story from God’s perspective in the midst of the struggle. An eye witness report would be able to tell of God’s faithfulness to His elect, despite the factions around them. Revival is born in the presence of evil.
Our prayer should be for the Christians that are making a statement of hope in these hopeless situations. That their faith be strong and courage be from God. We can also ask God to direct us in any specific way to be His servant. This might mean sacrifice of time or material in order to give to the Kingdom.
God is up to something in north Africa. Pray for His church.